Course Outcomes
B.Sc. I :Semester
I: Paper No. MAT 101 : Differential Calculus
CO 1: Understand
the concept of derivative. Study of hyperbolic functions and its derivatives.
CO2: Understand the formulae for derivative of some standard functions, and
application of Leibnitz’s theorem.
CO3: Rolle’s theorem, Lagrange’s and Cauchy’s mean
value theorem and applications of Maclaurin’s
CO4: Study partial differentiation and Euler’s
theorem on homogeneous functions.
CO5: Study gradient of scalar point function,
properties of divergence and curl.
Paper No. MAT
102 : Differential Equations
CO 1:
Study exact and linear differential equations.
CO2: Understand the methods of solution of linear
differential equations with constant coefficients.
CO3: Understand the methods of finding solutions
of linear equations with variable coefficients.
CO4: Knowledge of exact differential
equations and its criterion.
CO5: Understand the methods of solutions of
ordinary differential equations with more than two variables.
CO6: Practice of methods of solving Partial
Differential Equations.
Semester-II Paper No. MAT 201 : Integral Calculus
CO 1:
Understand the methods
of Integration.
CO2: Knowledge of integration of algebraic and
trigonometric functions.
CO3: Understand definite integral as the limit of
a sum.
CO4: Understand the applications of integration to
obtain areas, Volumes of surfaces.
Paper No. MAT 202 : Geometry
CO 1:
Study different forms of equations of a plane
CO2: Study standard forms of equations of cones,
cylinders and conicoid.
B.Sc. II
:Semester III
Paper No. MAT 301 : Number Theory
CO 1: Understand
the Division Algorithm, Euclidean Algorithm and the fundamental theorem of
CO2: Study the theory of congruences and Fermat’s
CO3: Study Number-Theoretic functions and Euler’s
generalization of Fermat’s theorem.
Paper No. MAT 302 : Integral Transforms
CO 1: Study
of Beta Gamma functions and their properties.
CO2: Knowledge of Laplace and Inverse Laplace transforms and the
theorems on these transforms.
CO3: Applications of Laplace transforms to solve
differential equations.
CO4: Knowledge and application of different forms
of Fourier transforms.
Paper No. MAT 303 : Mechanics I
CO 1: Study
of resultant of forces acting on a
CO2: Understanding the conditions of equilibrium of forces acting
on a particle.
CO3: Study of moment of forces, couples acting on
rigid body and their applications.
CO4: Understanding centre of gravity and study
centre of gravity of some uniform bodies.
B.Sc. II :
semester IV
Paper No. MAT 401 : Numerical Methods
CO 1: Understand
and use of different numerical methods to solve algebraic equations.
CO2: Study and applications of interpolation
CO3: Study of methods of curve fitting and
CO4: Use of different methods of solution of linear equations.
CO5: Study of numerical solutions of ordinary
differential equations.
Paper No. MAT 402 : Partial Differential Equations
CO 1: Study
of linear and non linear partial
differential equation of first order.
CO2: Study of linear homogeneous and non-homogeneous partial
differential equations.
CO3: Understand
and apply the methods of partial differential equations of second order.
Paper No. MAT 403 : Mechanics II
CO 1: Understanding
Kinematics and Dynamitic of particles in two dimensions.
CO2: Study of kinematics of a particle.
CO3: Study
of motion of projectile and motion in a
resisting medium.
CO4: Study
of central orbits.
B.Sc. (Third
Year) (Fifth Semester)
Paper No. MAT 501 : Real Analysis I
CO 1: Understanding
functions and its types.
CO2: Study of different types sequences of real
numbers and their behaviors.
Study of types of series and its
CO4: Study of Jacobians of functions.
Paper No. MAT 502 : Abstract Algebra I
CO 1: Understanding and study of algebraic
structure group, its types and relation between them.
CO2: Study of ring theory: types of ring, ideals,
quotient and polynomial rings.
Paper No. MAT 503 : Mathematical statistics I
CO 1: Study of frequency distribution and to study
different measures of central tendency.
CO2: Study of measures of dispersion, skewness and
CO3: Understanding
of concept of probability and study theory of probability.
CO4: Study of random variables and distribution functions.
B.Sc. (sixth Semester)
Paper No. MAT 601 : Real Analysis II
CO 1: Understanding
the concept of metric space and study of limits in metric space.
CO2: Study of continuous functions on metric
Understanding and study of connectedness, completeness and
CO4: Understand Riemann integral and to study
fundamental theorem of calculus.
CO5: Study of Fourier series.
Paper No. MAT 602 : Abstract Algebra II
CO 1: Understand elementary basic concept of vector
CO2: Study of linear independence and bases of
vector spaces.
CO3: Study of Dual spaces, Inner product spaces and Modulus.
Paper No. MAT 603 : Mathematical statistics II
CO 1: Study
of mathematical expectations and generating functions.
CO2: Study of different kinds of theoretical
discrete and continuous probability distributions..
CO3: Study of correlation and regression and their
Note: Five lectures per week per paper for
each semester